headed to Penang with Bel,Da n Desarine at 2.30pm with the bunch of juniors
all of em went to sing K except me
not in a mood to sing... erm.... just don't feel like spending on singing...
thus, I spent the 4 hours walking alone around qUeensbay mall
the purpose of joining em to this one day trip-just to get out from the BORING forest...
I did some shopping and got some stuffs that I need and can't be found in forest
happy indeed !
I enjoy shopping alone... do hope I have more $$$$$ =p
gt a pair of boots from F21 =) sales !!!!!!

I love the F21 in Penang =)
not crowded at all~~~
had subway as my dinner
I can actually forget about my dinner when I start to shop^^
then, met up with em and watched Sanctrum
a very adventurous movie
kinda creepy for me~~~~~
yet, worth to watch it !!!