erm...about 4 days....
miss u sO much~ =)
went to MBJ...
+ relatives coming over
+parents wanna stay there 4 a night more~
no comp there
no internet connection
smthg worse....
temporarily antenna spoilt...
- i spoilt it...NO no... I didn't.. OKok.. I did... but I didn't mean it okay ?
-cause it is STupid.. made me pissed off... n accidentally broken it...hehe...
-erm... i m not aggressive... but it is FRAGILE...
-do u believe me ?
-plz... believe me....
can't watch TV !!!! arghh....
life without TV n Comp is making me bored till "beh tahan"....
but then...
bcoz of my "brilliant action"...
dad promise to fix de ASTRO antenna on tiz saturday... wakaka~
such a "clever" gal... m I ? =p
a little bit of updates of my day~
since I am so bored..
de only thing I can do is EAT...yeah~ bingo~ n gain weight T.T
(besides of doing houseworks.... believe it.... )
have a look @ my breakfast-->
but easy to prepare mar....
toasted bread + ice-cream~
tiz looks better-->
Big Apple again~
from right, Dancing Queen(Cheese, Lemon, White chocz), Merry Cherry(Black cherry, white+dark chocz), Kimochi(mix of oriental nuts), Hawaii-Five-O, Say Cheese, Chocoholic(suits me=p)
tea time~
it's my 1st time wat...( don't laugh @ me)
I seldom go into kitchen de....
so, luckily i didn't make those french fries overcooked = blacky fries
i ll update de post about my relatives visiting soon~
anyway, it's Des birthday~
Haha I'm Here!!!! Thanks for ur b'day wishes n ur birthday call yarhs =) ure the 1st one who wish me LOL >.<" even lip is beside me but he is second after u =.=" Since when u became so efficient harh? xD ok larhs take care n stay happy yarhs! i(cuz i wanted to see ur white n shiny teeth) ^^
sobs silly me lupa put name >.<"
hey~ welcome.. ^^
ya~ i m much more efficient than him~ haha~
he should learn 4rm me lorr....
he? whos he? = = Ure Blur! KID! XD
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